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Here is Clan Wauregan 24-25

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Dawn of a New Adventure

After bidding farewell to our departing members at the group camp, a new Wauregan Clan is ready again this year to leave an indelible mark on the community. This group of young schoolgirls and rovers, animated by a spirit of adventure and a strong sense of belonging, has united under the usual name of Clan Wauregan.

Values and Mission

The Wauregan Clan was born with a clear mission: to promote the values of respect for nature, solidarity and community service. Guided by two experienced and passionate scoutmasters, Serena and Roberto, the boys and girls of the clan prepare to face challenges and adventures that will help them grow as individuals and as a group.

Future Activities and Projects

The clan’s programme is full of activities ranging from mountain hikes to local volunteer projects. Upcoming events include a winter camp in Alta Valbisenzio, where the girls and boys will be able to test their orientation and survival skills, as well as contribute to a cleaning and maintenance project for the sisters’ friends.

Many of them will also take part in the next few weeks at the two Wolf Cubs (Southern Cross and North Star) and the two troops (New Horizon and Golden Arrow), playing and having fun together with the respective staff who already animate these units.

In addition to the friends in associative service, there are other girls and boys in the front line helping our community in Prato, in various social and educational realities in the fabric of Tuscany’s second city.

An Appeal to the Community

With enthusiasm and dedication, the Wauregan Clan is ready to write the first pages of its history, proudly carrying forward the values of the Scout movement and actively contributing to the well-being of the Prato community. To leave a better world than we found it.

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